Hey. Just a little post to orient my vast fan base on here of what I'm doing outside NG. As you probably have noticed, I almost never make posts here, and when I do, they're mainly just to announce new animations (and lord knows THAT never happens.) So, just here to give you guys links to all the sites I'm active on. First off, we have my deviantART account, where I try to post on my blog every other day. And, if you want more frequent updates, you can follow me on Twitter, where you can learn fascinating factoids about me, such as what flavor toothpaste I use. So, those're the two sites I'm most active on, if you want more updates on the cartoons I'm working on. Also, in addition to my shameless self-promotion, I'd like to give a quick shout-out to DruoxtheShredder, a terrific voice actor who did some of the voices on my latest cartoon. :D
So, yeah, that's all I've got.
Keep on truckin'.
yawn.. yes thank you...
Uhhh . . .
Alright . . .